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Graphic Design

Time Magazine

This project was a practice in layout design. We were instructed to choose a topic and create a Time cover for it. We then chose a second magazine and made it look like

Time Magazine. I picked the topic of mimes and took the photographs myself.

How to Train Your Dragon

This is a design for a special edition of the movie How to Train Your Dragon.

Lotus Truffles
This is a packaging design for gourmet chocolate truffles. I used the idea of a temple as the box and a paper lotus to display the chocolate. In ancient cultures the lotus symbolized purity and beauty. The lotus and the temple also convey a sense of the exotic and mystical.

Coleman Institute Web Design


​​For this project we branded a college's web presence, which included a phone app.

The Green Children

The Green Children are a favorite band of mine. Their music is a blend of techno and pop, and their lyrics and band style are inspired by Celtic mythology.

Article Spreads

​Article spreads can be a lot of fun, and a good way to practice layout design in Indesign.



Illustrator has become one of my favorite programs and I have completed many projects using it in combination with typography. 



Otherwise was a group branding project. I was responible for the bags, flyers, and giftcards. 

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